Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator Wiki
Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator Wiki

"Marvel at my originality!"

Wisecrack is a character in Oh...Sir! The Hollywood Roast. He is a parody and mishmash of several Marvel superheroes, namely Deadpool (head and general attitude), Iron Man (torso and left leg), The Hulk (left arm and right leg), Captain America (right arm and shield), and Thor (hammer).


Greetings Thumbalinas! Straight from a Hollywood focus group, and lazily pieced together from the over-saturated superzeroes you've already seen, it is Moi! Like a Frankenstein's monster of bite-sized nostalgia, not a single inch of me (well maybe 2 or 3, dumb emoji) contains an original thought--all so the suits in their ivory limos can grab the most amount of cash from your grubby little marinara-stained hands! I will avenge nada. I will subscribe to not a single league of justice. Wisecrack's in the building to speak in third person, dish out the snark bites and shatter the fourth wall like that big pitcher of red drink from the '80s who shall not be named for legal reasons. Snoochies!


His weakness is anything that implies that he's a rehashing of previous ideas, such as:

  • Another reboot
  • Your iconic costume
  • An annoying excuse for CGI comic relief
  • Stock footage explosions (Coming Soon This Summer 5: The Spinoff)
  • An uninspired sequel (Wisecrack)
  • A desperate cash grab (Wisecrack)
  • A lazy pop culture reference (Wisecrack)
  • An uninspired potty joke (Wisecrack)
  • Fake diamonds (Marilyn Nomore)
  • [Is/Are] a carbon copy of
  • [Is/Are] yet another reboot of
  • [Was/Were] rebooted by J.J. Abrams
  • [Is/Are] a walking, talking Happy Meal toy
  • Grossed less than the Green Lantern
  • [Was/Were] a replicant

Unique Terms[]

  • An uninspired potty joke
  • An uninspired sequel
  • A desperate cash grab
  • My pulsating groin bulge
  • A lazy pop culture reference
  • A snarky insult
  • [Is/Are] a poor excuse for
  • [Is/Are] less heroic than
  • Didn't read the comics
  • [Doesn't/Don't] get my references
  • [Is/Are] amused by the laziest humor
  • Laugh(s) every time I say 'boobies'
  • [Has/Have] my poster in the bedroom


  • And ya just got snark attacked!
  • But hey, I'm just a guy in spandex!
  • Oh fart, I'm late for Pilates!
  • And wait 'til you hear the origin story!
  • And roll the credits, credit dude!
  • Now quick, somebody write me a closing zinger!
  • And they'll probably put that on a t-shirt and sell it!
  • And that burn was written by some Hollywood tool!
  • And to sum it all up...boobs!
