"Sir Knight, at your service.”
Sir Arthur Knight, better known as Sir Knight, is a character in "Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator". He is one of the three starting characters, along with Mr J. Shufflebottom and Mrs Maggie.
Kids these days! TV? Rap Music? Video Games?! He has more important matter on his mind than keeping up with infantile new technology, fashion and language! Reading Shakespeare's latest book. Winding clocks. Treating his urinary incontinence. But everything changes when he realises that kids look jealously at his old fashioned clothes. At that moment, he decides to become a hipster...
Sir Knight isn't quite familiar with the modern world, and gets offended when someone uses a term that associates with it. Those include:
- Still use(s) Windows Vista
- Never watched Star Wars
- [Doesn't/Don't] own a colour telly
- Can be found in Pokémon GO
- Play(s) hidden object games
- [Has/Have] only local multiplayer
- Suck(s) at Overwatch
- Enjoyed Batman v Superman
Unique Terms[]
- A cream-faced loon
- A ruttish fishmonger
- A stewed prune
- [Is/Are] an ill-nurtured whey face
- [Has/Have] not so much brain as ear wax
- You cross-eyed, inbred muckspout!
- You tottering fool-born hedge-pig!
Sir Knight is tied with Grisha for the least exclusive insults.
Sir Knight isn't weak to a single noun.
When Sir Knight opens his shirt for a rude insult, he reveals the vile monarch logo.
He has the same voice actor as Albert and Mrs Maggie.
One of his unique term, "a cream-faced loon" comes from Shakespeare's famous play Macbeth, in Act 5 Scene 3.