Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator Wiki
Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator Wiki

"You can call me Mrs Maggie, love."

Margaret Oldershaw, better known as Mrs Maggie, is one of the five starting characters in Oh...Sir! The Insult Simulator, alongside Mr J. Shufflebottom and Sir Knight.


She's seen things you people wouldn't believe. She fought wars, flirted with two presidents, composed a score for a naughty film, owned an arcade and got stoned at the 20th anniversary of her menopause. For ten years she was in a gang, and just recently retired. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears...in...rain. Time to kick the bucket.


Mrs Maggie's days are numbered, and is sensitive to terms related to age and death, such as:

  • [Is/Are] an old bugger
  • [Is/Are] deceased
  • [Is/Are] no more
  • [Is/Are] old
  • [Is/Are] stone dead
  • Tell(s) dirty jokes at funerals
  • Will soon kick the bucket
  • Just call me Doctor Euthanasia!

Unique insults[]

  • Defenseless young men
  • The Hell's Grannies Gang
  • [Has/Have] no life experience
  • [Has/Have] not finished puberty
  • Because you are a spoiled brat!
  • So you know, well, innit, eh?!
  • Young man!


Ms. Maggie is the only female character

Ms, Maggie is voiced by Rosko Lewis who also did the voice for Sir, Knight, and Albert.